What a wonderful week! I have been attending, on-line, the Southwest Believer's Convention with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. It has been so awesome spending time immersed in the Word and hearing everyone teach. August 18th starts the Great Lakes Believer's Convention and I am ready!
I thought that I would share my favorite section of the Bible instead of just a verse for this week. It's found in 1 Corinthians 1:7-9 (AMP)
"That you are not [consciously] falling behind or lacking in any special spiritual endowment or Christian grace [the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating in your souls by the Holy Spirit], while you wait and watch [constantly living in hope] for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and [His] being made visible to all.
And He will establish you to the end [keep you steadfast, give you strength, and guarantee your vindication; He will be your warrant against all accusation or indictment so that you will be] guiltless and irreproachable in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."
This just reassures me that God is on my side. I read it aloud when I can because "...faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God..." When everyday things get you down, don't talk about the situation. Find the scripture for you and keep repeating it. If you cannot find a scripture, just say Jesus is Lord or Jesus is the constant source of my supply. Something to build your faith and not the problem. See what God has planned for you! Praise the Lord, my friend!

I always have to include a crafting project, so today's is a box lid that I made for my club project and I then filled the box with different handmade cards. I used the SU wrapping paper, painted it and covered with Perfect Paper Adhesive. The tassel is the SU twill ribbon. I unraveled 3 equal length ribbons, leaving enough for the top and put them together with a brad to complete the tassel. The tag is made with the large & small tag punch and then stamped using black embossing and the Wild West Alphabet. Adhere the tag together and place an eyelet in the top. The belt is made with cream card stock, Boho wheel in black, deco-edge scissors and brown brads. It is then glued to the top of the box. Being that I wanted the tag on the tassel, I put the brad through the tassel and then tied the tag onto the brad with a piece of DMC Floss. Please let me know if you have any questions.